122/365: I Heart Strawberry.

122/365: I Heart Strawberry.

Today was the first day of open strawberry-pickin' at this farm near our house. Wife and Mother-in-law headed over first thing and picked a ridonkulous amount of strawberries, many of which have now been processed into jam and canned...Others have been consumed with ice cream, hazelnut fudge, and whipped cream (yes, it was horrible). THIS one got his mutant picture taken, on account of his heart-shaped malformed conjoined twin.

Strobist info: On-axis fill and specular highlight via an Orbis Ring Flash. Lumiquest softbox III above and slightly behind fruit, and diffuser-domed speedlight behind and below aimed at green wall. Photoshopped out the needle and rod that held up the fruit afterwards.

Here's the setup, sans labels:


Setup for 'I Heart Strawberry.'
