147/365: Cathedral Meadow.147/365: Cathedral Meadow.

So I want your opinion, do you like the black and white version of this pic, or the color...hit the jump for the color version...

These files I'm pulling up are routinely blowing my mind. Not what I did, mind you, any hack who's at the right place at the right time can press a shutter, but by what I'm able to get out of them. Out in the field, the shot comes up on your little LCD and you think, well, not bad, but it seems too contrasty, seems like you can't get all the tones in one shot. Now, when I'm opening up these images, I'm finding I have so much room to push and pull and get the range I'm looking for...certainly a good thing for those of us that can't nail it everytime in camera.

I think I like the black and white more, since I posted it, but I'm not sure. Please sound out in the comments with your opinion.
