214/365: Orange Grove Church Road.

If you still aren't convinced of the awesomeness of the Holga and Diana, consider this: The image that the medium format lens projects will completely cover a piece of 35mm film... Using a couple of pieces of foam, you can center a roll of your standard 35mm in the Holga or Diana (might be easier in the Holga, haven't tried it in the Diana, but it's a bit flimsier at the bottom and could be hard to hold together until you get the back on). This creates strange exposures that cover the film surface past the rebates, the sprocket holes, clean past the edge. On the Holga, it takes about 34 clicks of the winder to advance to a new frame, or 1.5 revolutions of the dial. You must tape up the small window on the back with gaffer's tape, as 35mm doesn't have a paper backing like medium format film, and will be exposed thru the window if it leaks light. Consequently, when you finish the roll, you'll also need to take the whole rig into a pitch-black room to remove the back and then use a screwdriver to roll the film back into it's housing, all in the dark. May seem like a lot of work for you Digi-heads, but the results are a singularity in the photo world.